Pruning the vines at Res Fortes Winery is as important as harvesting the grapes

Pruning the vines at Res Fortes Winery is as important as harvesting the grapes

Do you know when we prune our vines?


Pruning is very important process in creating Res Forte’s special blends of wine, because we are choosing the buds that will produce the fruit for next year's harvest.

Once it is cold enough here in the South of France - usually in January through February, the pruning begins after the vines have entered the dormant stage.

During dormancy, the vines are not photosynthesizing and the sap that usually delivers nutrients to the vine is not flowing, it is "sleeping" remaining still and will not drain out when cut, thus keeping the nutrients in the vine.

Another benefit of pruning is that it removes any diseases which my be forming in the vines by cutting off bad growth - cuttings are then burned to eliminate any maladies. If the cuttings are not diseased, the tractor can chop up the cuttings, replacing organic matter into the soil.

Pruning encourages healthy, active vines, maximum growth of grape bunches, with quality, concentrated fruit.

Plus, Moritz loves any excuse to get away from his screens, get some fresh air and let Lola run around the vines!

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